Rename a Screen and Assign Content

Use the updateDevice mutation to rename a paired screen or assign an asset/playlist.


mutation {
    _id: "SCREEN_ID",
    payload: {
      deviceName: "New Screen Name",
      currentType: ASSET,
      currentAssetId: "ASSET_ID",
      orientation: LANDSCAPE
  ) {


  1. Replace SCREEN_ID with the screen’s unique ID.
  2. Replace ASSET_ID with the ID of the asset/playlist to assign.
  3. Update other fields as needed (e.g., deviceName, orientation).

Update Your Screens via APIs

OptiSigns offers an open GraphQL API for updating screens, playlists, assets, and schedules. For more details, see the reference guide here.

Common Workflow:

  1. Generate images, videos, or PDFs from your systems.
  2. Use a Cloud File Store: Google Drive, Dropbox, or OneDrive.
  3. OptiSigns automatically syncs changes to your screens.

Learn More: