The OptiSigns TypeScript SDK provides a simple and intuitive way to manage your digital signage infrastructure programmatically. This documentation covers the main features and examples for common use cases.


npm install @optisigns/optisigns


Initialize the SDK with your API key. Obtain your key from the account settings.

import { OptiSigns } from "@optisigns/optisigns";

const client = new OptiSigns("YOUR_API_KEY");

Core Operations


List All Devices

const devices = await client.devices.listAllDevices();

Find Device by Name

const device = await client.devices.findByDeviceName("Reception");

Get Device by ID

const device = await client.devices.getDeviceById("device_id");

Create New Device

const newDevice = await client.devices.createDevice({
  deviceName: "Reception Screen",
  orientation: "LANDSCAPE",

Update Device

await client.devices.updateDevice("device_id", {
  deviceName: "Updated Screen Name",

Delete Device

await client.devices.deleteDeviceById("device_id", "team_id");

Content Management

Upload File Asset

const asset = await client.assets.uploadFileAsset(

Create Website Asset

const websiteAsset = await client.assets.createWebsiteAppAsset(
    url: "",
    title: "Company Website",

Modify Asset Settings

await client.assets.modifyAssetSettings(
    name: "Updated Asset Name",
    metadata: { key: "value" },

Common Use Cases

Managing Digital Screens

  1. Push Content to Screen:
await client.devices.pushContentToDevice(
  1. Reboot Device:
await client.devices.rebootDevice("device_id");

Error Handling

The SDK uses TypeScript for better type safety and includes comprehensive error handling. Always wrap API calls in try-catch blocks:

try {
  const devices = await client.devices.listAllDevices();
} catch (error) {
  console.error("Error fetching devices:", error);

Best Practices

  1. Error Handling: Always implement proper error handling in your applications
  2. Authentication: Keep your API key secure and never expose it in client-side code
  3. TypeScript: Take advantage of TypeScript types for better code completion and error detection
  4. Team ID: Keep track of your team ID for operations that require it

Code Examples

import { OptiSigns } from "@optisigns/optisigns";

async function manageDevices() {
  const client = new OptiSigns("YOUR_API_KEY");

  try {
    // List all devices
    const devices = await client.devices.listAllDevices();

    // Create a new device
    const newDevice = await client.devices.createDevice({
      deviceName: "Reception Screen",
      orientation: "LANDSCAPE",

    // Update device name
    await client.devices.updateDevice(, {
      deviceName: "Updated Screen Name",
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("Error:", error);

For more detailed information, visit our API Reference or contact our support team at